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Only legitimate and trusted charities A new standard of transparency Monthly donation plan, cancel anytime Secured payments

Only legitimate and trusted charities A new standard of transparency Monthly donation plan, cancel anytime Secured payments

A better way to donate

Tell us what you care about, decide on a monthly budget and we’ll take care of the rest

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Why is Bono better?
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Now Bono does the rest:

Selects impactful & trustworthy charities

Our team of experts only selects legitimate charities tailored to your causes and continuously monitors their impact.


Helps you stay on top of your impact

Receive regular updates on how your donation is making a difference. A new standard of transparency ensures your contribution is being put to the best use.

You’ll be able to see your impact grow each year, and monitor the results of your lifetime giving over time!


Keeps everything in one place

Manage and update your donation plan, causes and charities anytime - all through your own Giving Profile.


Generates a single, tax-deductible receipt

No more searching for lost receipts during tax season. Stay organized with a single yearly tax deductible donation receipt, no matter how many charities you give to.


Enables you to share and multiply your impact

What better way to raise awareness for a cause than to invite others to join you?

Share your giving profile and your impact across social media. Every dollar counts when your donation is pooled together with other donors from the Bono community, making an even bigger impact.

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What Bono users have to say
“The best charity contribution I’ve done. Love Bono!”
Member since May ‘24
“Thank you, I look forward to these reports”
Member since Jun. ‘24
“That’s just amazing! You can actually see your real impact?!”
Member since Apr. ‘24
“Roses are red, violets are blue, your genius created something clever and new”
Member since May ‘24
Join the community
This year, every single Bono user
made one of the following happen:
Farm animals rescued
Stop Animal Suffering
Trees planted
Fight Climate Crisis
Meals for the hungry
End Hunger
Acres of habitat protected
Save Mother Nature
Emergency shelters
Help During a Disaster

* Based on an average monthly donation plan

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Choose a cause to support, make an impact, starting at $5
What can you donate to?
Fight Climate Crisis
In the past two decades, we have increased our CO2 emissions by 61.2%
End Hunger
1 in 8 of children in the U.S. face hunger because of poverty
Save Mother Nature
Nature and animals need us! Since 1970 we experienced a 69% decrease in wildlife populations
Help During a Disaster
Natural disasters affect 218 million people worldwide and claim 68,000 lives per year
Embrace American Veterans
One-third of all adults experiencing homelessness are veterans
Stop Animal Suffering
9.8 billion animals are raised on factory farms every year, with more than 1 billion who suffer due to inhumane farming practices
Empower Gender Equality
In the US, women typically earn 84 cents for every dollar earned by men
Protect the LGBTQ+ community
In 2023, 41% of LGBTQ+ young people considered suicide
Support Mental Health
28% of all Americans with mental illness were not able to receive the treatment they needed in 2023
Choose your causes now ->
Managing your donation with full transparency

Does my full donation amount reach the charities?

Your entire donation goes to charity, less any payment processing fees which The Bono Way Charitable Foundation pays to our payment processor, Stripe. In the future, we plan to offer donors the option to add additional amounts in order to cover these fees.


Are my donations tax deductible?

The full 100% of your donations are included in a single yearly tax-deductible donation receipt provided by Bono. Your donation is processed by the Bono Way Charitable Foundation which has received a 501(c)(3) tax exemption from the IRS.

Who’s behind Bono
We’re a diverse team with tech, brand, design, and academic backgrounds, with a passion to turn donating into an experience we’ll all love.

Our team worked at some of the biggest companies from the tech, finance and marketing sectors (Atlassian, WPP, Wix, P&G and others). We are backed by Progression.Fund and amazing angel investors who are senior executives from tech and finance companies like Google, Twitter, Microsoft, Amazon, Intuit and others.

We partnered with the best legal and financial firms in the US so that you can rest assured that you feel comfortable giving through us:

On the finance side, we work with JPMorgan Chase as our bank, Moss Adams for Tax Advisory and Ernst & Young as our controller.

On the legal side, we’re represented by Sidley Austin LLP, and with Adler & Colvin for our foundation’s legal needs.

On the financial processing side, we secure and process transactions and funds through Stripe.
Dan Eblagon
Co-Founder & CEO
Climate Crisis
Ron Levy
Co-Founder & CPO
End Hunger
Stav Bar Shani
Impact Advisor
Protect LGBTQ+
Ben Benhorin 
Head of Design
Animal Rights
Sam Ben Yakar
Head of R&D
Climate Crisis
Stav Charkham
Product Manager
Mental Health
Hamutal Atar
Marketing Design
Gender Equality
Questions you're probably asking yourself
Why should I trust you?

Bono works with the most trusted legal and financial firms in the U.S. so that you can rest assured that you feel comfortable giving through us.

On the financial side, we work with JPMorgan Chase as our bank, Moss Adams for tax advisory and Ernst & Young as our controller.

On the legal side, we’re represented by Sidley (Sidley Austin LLP) and Adler & Colvin for the Bono Foundation.

On the technical and processing side, we secure and process our transactions and funds through Stripe.

All your funds are transferred directly through the Bono Way Charitable Foundation, which is  tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. If you are a U.S. taxpayer, Bono will issue you a receipt indicating that your contribution is fully tax deductible.

Who picks the charities?

Bono works closely with foundations, philanthropists, creators and other professionals to suggest charities. We also have our own Impact team of experts who meticulously hand-picked the charities that are shown to make the most significant impact. With hundreds of worthy initiatives out there, our dedicated team continually updates our charity list to ensure a diverse range of organizations benefit from Bono. Our goal is to strike a balance between supporting established, well-known charities and championing smaller ones that, despite their impactful work, might not have the resources or marketing budget to gain widespread attention.

Is Bono a charitable organization?

The Bono Way Charitable Foundation is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. If you are a U.S. taxpayer, the Bono Way Charitable Foundation will issue you a receipt at the end of the tax year indicating that your contribution is fully tax deductible.
The Bono Way Inc is a for-profit company, that provides the tech platform for the Bono Foundation, through a licensing agreement.

Why should I choose to donate through Bono?

Let’s start with the important stuff. We are here for one reason: to make giving easier. Bono is the simplest, most trusted and smartest way to donate to multiple charities all at once. You tell us what you care about and decide on a monthly budget, and leave the hard work to us. We will manage all your donations in one place, take away the hassle of selecting which charity to donate to, provide transparency with weekly impact reports, and so much more.

Will my personal information be shared with the charities or anyone else?

Your privacy is important to us, and we will never share your personal information. Each donation is sent to the respective charity through the Bono Way Charitable Foundation, which processes your donation and provides you with a receipt.

How will my donations be distributed?

Your donations are split equally between the charities in your Giving Profile. Bono transfers the funds to the charities once a month, to save them the time and the efforts of dealing with small donations.

The Bono Foundation accounting team, overseen by top accounting firms Moss Adams and Ernst & Young, distributes the funds once a month so that the charities we work with do not have to deal with micro transactions on a daily basis.

How do you determine and quantify the impact I’m making?

The impact quantification indicators we use take into account industry benchmarks, information gathered from top charities and market cost. Please note that these indicators are for illustration purposes only. For specific details about the impact of your donation, please visit the charity’s annual report.

How can I track the impact of my donation?

Bono will email you a weekly personalized impact report that will showcase impactful actions the nonprofits in your portfolio did over the past week and the accumulated impact of your donations over time. In addition, you can always track your impact at any time through your giving profile, accessible through

Is there a minimum or maximum donation limit?

Start your giving plan with as little as $5/month and watch your donation make a huge difference when pooled together with other donors from the Bono community.

The maximum donation limit is currently $1,000 per month. If you are interested in a giving plan that exceeds this limit, reach out to for additional information.

Can $5 a month make a real impact?

Yes, even $5 can make an impact. Each donation is pooled with thousands of other donors in the Bono community so even a small gift can create lasting change.

Is the singer Bono in on this?

As much as we love Bono, he’s not part of this initiative. Our name is inspired by “Pro-Bono” which means “doing good for everyone” in Latin.

Ready to make a change?
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